
The Mission of BELONGING is to foster the growth of healthy realationships, helping others rediscover how to be authentic; how to accept responsibility for every decision; giving learners the key that unlocks the path and opens what brings them joy.


Our values are what we’re joyously living for:  Health; Relationships; Quality of Life; Lifelong Learning; Living our Purpose on purpose; and ensuring that what is meaningful produces measurable results that benefit all.

We are committed to sharing a vision underscored by noble values and unique competencies, creating opportunities to celebrate the diversity that is the soul of our unity. We are working with individuals who embody openness; open hearts, minds, hands and feet that are willing to move.

“Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth... these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.” Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations


BELONGING is built using the solution template Ban Ki-moon sought. We would love to dialogue with you about how we can help others improve the quality of their lives and realationships by fusing our talents, gifts and abilities to bring BELONGING to the world. To learn more, visit The Mereon Academy at https://themereon.academy.

If you share our vision and live values that are aligned with ours, connect with us. Through conscious cooperation, we can come together, use our combined competencies to achieve more than any of us could alone.