Everyone matters. Everyone counts.


Connections & Connecting

Everything is connected, and the actions of one have an impact on all.

A statement by Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations makes it clear that he understood this connection:

“Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth, these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women's empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.”     

BELONGING is a fundamental truth, the birthright of all sentient life. Founded on the scientific evidence and First Principles of the Mereon matrix that define a dynamic universal template of belonging, our commitment is to share the knowledge that underpins why and how unity and harmony are only possible because of diversity. Our mandate is to help facilitate growth through sharing the knowledge of how to make conscious choices. We do so by assisting individuals and groups to learn, unlearn and relearn by asking a sequence of eight questions that mimic the steps Mother Nature uses to generate growth, flow and evolution.

With decades of experience, we know how intentional, transdisciplinary cooperation leads to evolutionary growth. We understand that when a vision is coherent and aligned with values personal authenticity is sustainable and relationships thrive. Realising that Time is synonymous with change, we allow ourselves and our work to evolve as it grows, creating real-time, real-world learning experiences that are intentionally wrapped around the values of health, inclusion, sustainability, meaning, and measurability.

No one is exempt from the pain of a broken connection, and most long to know the joy of healing. If you are ready to learn how to heal, mend your heart and restore fractured relationships; or if your life purpose is to help others find and navigate their life path, we invite you to read on.

The Mereon Academy

It is time to come together. We have what many have suggested is the long-missing “Instruction Manual” for how to live from authenticity. With Love the only Law, these simple rules show how to rebuild our lives, our relationships, and the world we share. However, simple these eight simple steps may sound, does not mean walking them is easy because transformation happens from the inside out.

Authenticity and healthy relationships are the cornerstones of civilisation. They are essential to a society that has the capacity to evolve and endure. The Mereon Method lets you discover what works for you and when it works for you, freeing you to rediscover the joy of working and playing with others. Learn more at The Mereon Academy.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
— Albert Einstein


Global Solutions

Resolving challenges means understanding that the decisions you make, take or abdicate determine the quality of your life and the health of every relationship.

Why does BELONGING work?

Because it’s natural, coherent, fun, and progress transcends process!

BELONGING re-humanises the learning that is the soul of transformation.

BELONGING is discovering — as an individual and as a group — how being understood leads to understanding.

BELONGING is a growing appreciation of your interconnection with all life.

BELONGING is walking a universal path, realising that your uniqueness is essential to joyous relationships.

BELONGING fosters creativity and innovation so renewal and/or new solutions emerge that generate benefits for all.

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Participating in a BELONGING experience is a transformative experience with lifelong benefits.

  • Reviving your body, heart, and spirit while restoring the love of learning

  • Nurturing authenticity by cultivating perspective and understanding

  • Positive and long-lasting change in learning environments

  • Meeting complex problems straight on

  • Developing the competencies necessary for healthy social interactions

  • Opportunities to learn how to make a healthy decisions, and

  • Co-creating an experience where simple solutions benefit everyone

Individually, we are one drop.

Together we are an ocean.
— Ryunosuke Satoro
We get together on the basis of our similarities; we grow on the basis of our differences.
— Virginia Satir

The universe emerged from a single, nameless source, and our intention is to be catalysts for positive change as we facilitate the opportunity of a lifetime—-helping you discover the magic that resides in your name.

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster the growth of healthy relationships and facilitate the discovery of how to be naturally authentic, opening your path to joy.

Our Values

Health; Relationships; Quality of Life; Lifelong Learning; Purpose; meaningful and measurable results that benefit all are the values we are willing to live for.

The Team

Our vision is underscored by shared values, each of us bringing a unique competency, an open heart, and the willingness to explore new perspectives. Committed to being and doing our best, living from compassionate coherence, our desire is to make every day a day of ‘High Play’, aware that what we can achieve together far exceeds what any one of us could do alone.